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Maximise Energy Efficiency in Oxfordshire Commercial Buildings

In this blog we will explain some of the benefits of contributing to the use of little energy to improve our world and also some tips on how to do it. Let’s get started!

Benefits of opting for energy efficiency in buildings

Energy efficiency refers to using energy more efficiently, which means reducing energy consumption without affecting performance. In the case of buildings, energy efficiency is critical, as an energy efficient building can significantly reduce energy costs, reduce the carbon footprint and improve the quality of life for occupants. The use of renewable energy is a long-term investment, as these energy sources are inexhaustible and their cost decreases over time. They also contribute to job creation and economic development in local communities.

Reduced energy costs

Energy efficiency in buildings can significantly reduce energy costs. By implementing energy efficiency measures, such as installing LED lighting systems, optimizing heating and cooling systems, and installing efficient glazing, energy consumption can be reduced by 30% or more. This translates into a reduction in long-term energy costs, which can be especially beneficial for companies and organizations operating in large buildings.

Many times we do not appreciate what ant expenses can do to our company, reducing costs in a healthy way without affecting performance should be a priority to lead it to success. Organize your investments well and you will win. 

Carbon footprint reduction

Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. These emissions contribute to climate change and its negative effects on the environment and human health.

Energy efficiency in buildings can also reduce our carbon footprint, which is becoming increasingly present. Buildings consume a large amount of energy and emit a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. By implementing measures, energy consumption and thus greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced. This can help companies and organizations meet their sustainability goals, which is an increasingly important measure not only in the United Kingdom but around the world.

Improving occupants’ quality of life.

Some energy efficiency measures, such as installing LED lighting systems, can improve the lighting inside the building, which can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of occupants. In addition, efficient heating and cooling systems can improve thermal comfort very accurately and automatically, although it can also be edited to your preference and still remain ecofriendly.

One of the most important things in a home is to feel comfortable even when we are implementing measures to help lower costs, and these ways mentioned above are guaranteed to even improve the lifestyle you already have.

Ways to increase energy savings

Implement efficient lighting and air conditioning systems.

Lighting and HVAC systems are responsible for the majority of energy consumption in buildings. To reduce this impact, it is important to implement more efficient systems in these aspects. For example, installing LED lighting and modern HVAC systems can drastically reduce energy consumption. In addition, automating these systems can ensure that they are used only when needed and are automatically turned off when they are not.

Improving thermal insulation

Another important factor in energy consumption in buildings is the loss of heat or cold through walls and windows. Improving the thermal insulation of buildings can significantly reduce energy consumption. This can also be achieved through the installation of double-glazed windows. It is also important to seal any gaps in walls or windows that may allow hot or cold air to enter, which can also create an overload on the system by requiring more energy than should be used naturally.

Use renewable

Renewable energies are those that are obtained from natural sources, such as sunlight, water, wind and biomass. These energy sources are important because they are inexhaustible and do not emit greenhouse gases, which helps to reduce the impact of climate change. In addition, the use of renewable energies is an effective way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, such as oil and gas.

One effective way to maximize energy efficiency in Oxfordshire buildings is to use renewable such as solar or wind power. Installing solar panels on the roofs of buildings can provide renewable energy and significantly reduce energy consumption from the grid. In addition, installing rooftop wind turbines can also be a viable alternative. If you are a resident and not a building manager, you can also implement the purchase of items that rely on solar charging inside your apartment, much easier if you have a balcony. With just a few minutes a day you can have hours and hours of operation in lamps and other special appliances.

Discreetly, this is one of the options that have been used the most over the last few years. You don’t need intrusive and gigantic panels to implement this system, it’s all about getting a good company and adapting it to your building in different ways. 

Other measures to consider

In addition to the three measures mentioned above, there are other options that building owners can consider to maximize energy efficiency in their structures. Some of these measures include:

  • Installation of motion sensors in common areas to control the use of lighting, with this option you allow the lights to only turn on when you are there, otherwise, they remain off or in suspension.
  • Implementation of heat recovery systems to recover the heat generated by the HVAC system and use it in other areas of the building. It is an incredible solution that redirects a problem to an overall benefit.
  • Use of sustainable and low environmental impact building materials in the construction and remodeling of buildings. There are many maintenance and construction companies that opt for biodegradable or environmentally functional materials.
  • Hiring an energy audit to identify specific areas where energy efficiency can be improved in a building can be done with the help of a maintenance company. Many renovation companies are willing to guide you on options both under development and some that have been around for years, and most are not too costly or worth the investment as they give you savings of up to 60% in the long term. There are options for every budget and situation, and many times when it comes to large remodeling projects, there are discounts involved.  So don’t close yourself off to options and research what might be good for you.

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